AP Racing

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AP RACING- 1:1 Athletes- A Few Gear Requirements


This is as short list of gear that we recommend for all AP Racing Athletes and that we require for 1:1 Coached Athletes. It is not completely exhaustive in terms of gear we use and would get, but it is our minimum requirements(besides the obvious- shoes, sneakers, etc)

The Essentials:
Swimsuit, goggles, fins, snorkel, pads, and pull strap. Here are our favorites:

The Essentials:
Running Shoes, Heart Rate Monitor, Stryd Power Unit

The Essentials:
Power meter, helmet + bike. Here are our favorites:

alloy and carbon options- 40% off

The Essentials:
Stretch Cords, AP Racing Camp

AP Racing Athletes get 40% off almost all of our sponsor gear = HUGE Savings.

If you are an AP Racing Athlete, go to our team page for details.
If not- ‘too bad, so sad.’ You should probably sign up.