AP Racing

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AP RACING- 2020 Challenge Series


Years ago, at Life Time Triathlon in Minneapolis, Daniel was moderating a clinic with myself and Craig Alexander. The conversation went a lot of different ways but one thing that it came on coming back to was that for both of us, there was an inner drive to always find better, to realize our potential and then go back to the well to find more.

This wasn’t driven by prize purses(though those were nice), or to win a race(though that did play into it), but simply from the purest pursuit of pushing our potential and finding our best. I firmly believe that if I did not have the fire inside of me to always find better, I would not be where I am today. So, now with races on ‘hold’, while motivation wanes, I am still really excited because this time provides an opportunity to find better, try different things out, and to challenge myself in different ways. I hope you can find this time as an opportunity too.

One other thing that I am realizing more and more- I miss all of the AP Racing team, and the rest of you out there that I get to spend time at our camps, races, and just in training. As such, we have put together a challenge series with my partners, where we hope can provide some motivation for each of you, some learnings, and some camaraderie amongst the group to better your best. We are figuring it out as we go, but here is the basic rundown:

  • We will host a series of events through July. Each challenge will present a new opportunity to attempt a personal best.

  • We will have mini-challenges throughout the next 2 months (IE: 30 second pushup contest, dance contest, etc) for a chance to engage and win prizes

  • Sign up for the series is 100% free and sign up is right here: SIGN UP

  • Each event will have a sponsor partner who will provide SWAG and prizes for participants.

  • We will send out an email a week before with details for the event and all supporting events.

  • We will have a dedicated FB group for the challenge series where we will host:

    • Event day/week clinics/meet-ups

    • Post event recaps, giveaways + meetups and sponsor specials.